躺臥在安濟橋的懷裏。中國河北省,2015年。建於隋代的安濟橋又名趙州橋,為全球現存最早的敞肩石拱橋。Reclined on the side arch of Anji Bridge, the oldest open spandrel stone bridge in the world. Hebei, China. 2015.
躺臥在安濟橋的懷裏。中國河北省,2015年。建於隋代的安濟橋又名趙州橋,為全球現存最早的敞肩石拱橋。Reclined on the side arch of Anji Bridge, the oldest open spandrel stone bridge in the world. Hebei, China. 2015.



Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Te-Chen completed a BArch at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), and a MA in Architectural History at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL); he is currently a PhD candidate in Architectural & Urban History and Theory at UCL. His ongoing research is concerned with how the self-builders of the Vuculj (Paiwan) groupings utilise their indigenous knowledge systems and practices of slate house-building as strategies for identity and cultural revitalisation in the context of an ongoing returning homeland movement. Since childhood, Te-Chen has devoted himself to the study of biodiversity and ecology; of birds and butterflies in particular. As a professional photographer, he has consistently carried out documentary photography/film series on the social life of architecture worldwide since 2012. He once initiated an art proposal to work with the inmates at a juvenile correctional school using portrait, audio-visual and image workshop, and held an exhibition with public forum at eslite R79 Underground Book Street in Taipei (2017-2018).


2021至今 倫敦大學學院巴特萊特建築學院建築與都市歷史理論博士候選人(教育部109年度公費留學)


2019 倫敦大學學院巴特萊特建築學院建築史碩士


2016 國立臺灣科技大學創意設計學士班畢業,建築學學士(畢業設計作品《十五間》


2015 同濟大學建築系歷史建築保護工程專業交換生


2012 臺北市立成功高級中學畢業



2023-24 中央研究院民族學研究所訪問學員


2022至今 大英博物館「瀕危物質知識計畫」Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP) 2022年度受獎者暨計畫主持人(協作者:拉夫琅斯.卡拉雲漾)


2020-21 中央研究院民族學研究所專任研究助理(余舜德研究室/身體經驗研究群)


2020 國立臺灣科技大學建築系兼任研究助理(臺灣—拉脫維亞—立陶宛三邊合作計畫「與時俱進的都市再生資訊系統」)


2018 《逆風×顯影×進行式》影像展策展人


2017-18 逆風計畫影像工作坊發起者暨計畫主持人


2017-18 國立臺灣科技大學建築系專任助理


2016-17 法務部矯正署誠正中學替代役


2015 中國城鄉遺產保護志願者貴州屯堡工作營志願者


2014 狂瞻建築校園讀書會發起者兼主持人


2013-16 Diaphragm 影像工作室共同創辦人兼攝影指導


2013-14 臺灣青年氣候聯盟(TWYCC成員


2011 臺北市綠能青年


2009-12 臺北市立成功高中生物社社員(植物組)


2004-12 社團法人台灣蝴蝶保育學會會員


2003至今 社團法人台北市野鳥學會會員


2018《逆風×顯影×進行式》影像展 / 誠品R79 臺北中山地下書街捷運第二廣場


2016《辦桌》臺灣科技大學建築系畢業聯展 / 臺北松山菸廠五號倉庫


2014最後的伊甸園:蘭嶼攝影個展 / 新竹范陽盧氏宗祠藝廊


2013 龍門國中十週年校慶校友邀請聯展 / 臺北市立龍門國民中學藝廊


2013你有什麼毛病展》台科創意設計學士班101級創作聯展 / 國立臺灣科技大學國際大樓



2024 Becoming Kacalisian. Lecture and film screening for the UK Alumni Association in Taiwan. Taiwan Tourism Bureau London Office/Taipei Representative Office in the U.K. (駐英國代表處). London, UK.


2023《一棟石板屋的誕生:Piuma Kadrangian 平和部落傳統領袖家屋實踐》身體經驗研究群專題演講 / 中央研究院民族學研究所(偕同七名家族成員出席參與對話)


2023《世界的石板屋:英國威爾斯板岩景觀遺產之旅》專題演講 / 屏東縣泰武鄉立圖書文物館(對象為泰武國中師生)


2022 'Living House' in the Present Age: The Changing History of Indigenous Self-builders and Slate Culture among the Kacalisian Communities of Southern Taiwan since the 1980s. Bartlett Research Conversations: PhD Upgrade Seminar. Chair: Dr Ludovic Coupaye; invited panel: Prof Tim Waterman. The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. London, UK.


2022歐遊記09對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP89.


2021歐遊記08對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast. EP84.


2021歐遊記07對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP79.


2021歐遊記06對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP65.


2021歐遊記05對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP64.


2021歐遊記04對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP58.


2021歐遊記03對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP54.


2021歐遊記02對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP51.


2021歐遊記01對談 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP48.


2020《建築歷史系在讀古書嗎?專訪 / 建築+ Arch Plus Podcast, EP04.


2019 Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day. Mutual Friends Salon, Junction Issue 首場設計沙龍. University of Liverpool in London. London, UK.


2019 Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day. Marginalia: 2019 Architectural History Symposium and Publication Launch. The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. London, UK.


2018《逆風×顯影×進行式》影像展座談會 / 誠品R79 臺北中山地下書街捷運第二廣場


2018《青春.顯影:一場感化學校的藝術行動》雲門舞集舞蹈教室二十週年大會專題演講 / 國立臺灣師範大學


2017《再讀十五間》建築系畢業設計專題演講 / 國立臺灣科技大學


2016《三角點之外:我的生態觀察與沉思》登山聯盟專題演講 / 國立臺灣科技大學


2015重踏梁思成的足跡:河北.山西古建築考》歷史建築研究所專題演講 / 國立臺灣科技大學


2014《歐洲當代建築行腳》專題演講 / 臺北吳宅


2014《回首千百年:京奈古建築行腳》專題演講 / 國立臺灣科技大學




2024 北歐五國—傳統建造物與文化景觀


2023-24 臺灣屏東、高雄—排灣與魯凱人石板屋與聚落文化景觀


2018-19; 2021-22; 2024至今 英國各地(London, Cambridge, Oxford, Liverpool, Northwest Wales, Cornwall, Birmingham, Guildford & Farnham, etc.


2017 中國深圳、香港—城市建築雙城雙年展


2016 臺灣彰化、臺南—傳統建築與歷史街區


2015 中國河北、山西—中國營造學社古建築調查之路


2015 中國上海、寧波、蘇杭—近現代城市景觀、歷史街區與古典園林


2014 臺灣臺東—白冷會天主堂建築群


2014 西南歐洲十國—現代建築經典、威尼斯與鹿特丹建築雙年展


2013 臺灣蘭嶼—雅美族建築文化


2013 日本京都、奈良—傳統建造物與文化


2012 中國昆明、中甸、麗江與瀘沽湖—少數民族建築文化



2021-present PhD candidate in Architectural and Urban History and Theory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL), UK

*Title, 'Living House' in the Present Age: The Changing History of Indigenous Self-builders and Slate Culture among the Kacalisian Communities of Southern Taiwan since the 1980s. Co-supervised by Dr Clare Melhuish (UCL Urban Lab) and Dr Ludovic Coupaye (UCL Anthropology). Funded by the Government Scholarship from Ministry of Education, Taiwan; jointly funded by The British Museum's Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP), UK.


2019 Master of Arts in Architectural History (MAAH), The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL), UK

*MA Dissertation Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day, supervised by Dr Clare Melhuish, was well-acclaimed and presented in Marginalia: Architectural History Symposium and Publication Launch at The Bartlett, Oct.25, 2019.


2016 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.), Design Undergraduate Honours Programme, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan

* Thesis Design Fundamentopia: Learning from Rural Life, received Honourable Mention in 7th Cross-Straits Architecture Competition for Graduation Projects.


* Feb-Aug/2015 Studied Historical Building Protection Engineering through the exchange programme at Tongji University, China.



Jul/2023-Feb/2024 Visiting Scholar (Student), Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


May/2022-present Grantee and Principal Investigator (PI), Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP), The British Museum, UK

Project title, Becoming Kacalisian: Documenting the Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Techniques of Slate Houses in Southern Taiwan (Collaborator: Ljavuras Kadrangian).


Aug/2020-Sep/2021 Full-time Research Assistant, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

* Partook in Project Taste Diversification, Tea Manufacturing Techniques and Policy Making of Taiwan's Partly-fermented Tea Industry (Ministry of Science and Technology, PI: Dr Shuenn-Der Yu, Research Fellow and Deputy Director) and in Body Experience Research Team. Documented the most sophisticated techniques and craftsmanship in partly-fermented tea making process, the export history of Taiwan tea, and the performance of tea ceremony via audio-visual, recording and photography in Pinglin, Tabangu Village and Dadaocheng, Taiwan, and made several ethnographic films. Assisted in curating two special exhibitions at Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, and Sin Hong Choon Tea Museum as well as online Open Museum, including archival research, collections photography and spatial design.


Mar/2020-Dec/2020 Part-time Research Assistant, NTUST Department of Architecture, Taiwan

* Partook in preliminary work on Mutual Funds Taiwan-Latvia-Lithuania Cooperation Project Up-to-date Information Systems in Urban Regeneration (Ministry of Science and Technology, PI: Professor Chih-Ming Shih), and presented in its 1st international conference. Website.


Aug/2017-Oct/2018 Principal Investigator (PI), Photographer and Curator of Developing: Art as Action in a Juvenile Correctional School, Chengjheng High School, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan

* Initiated an Art Proposal for young offenders to carry on a crossover between image workshop and performing arts. Composed of Body Portrait, Film Diary and Dance Theatre (including documentary photography, stage photography, documentary film, multimedia design and sound art. Collaborated with Cloud Gate Dance School and Assignment Theatre). Held an exhibition with public forum and publications. Funded by Ministry of Education, Agency of Corrections, and Lovely Taiwan Foundation.


Nov/2017-Apr/2018 Full-time Assistant, NTUST Department of Architecture, Taiwan

* Executed Digital Fabrication Laboratory design project, research room renovation project, and overseen construction sites.


Sep/2016-Aug/2017 Substitute Military Men, Chengjheng High School, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan

* Executed 8 space renovation projects, enhanced more user-friendly environmental quality and overseen construction sites. Designed 6 visual communication projects, improved identity system. Assisted in transferring imprisonment, status books management, and document service to approximately 300 juvenile inmates.



Anthropology of Architecture; History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture; Indigenous Architecture; Dwelling and Biophysical Environment; Architecture of Care, Wellbeing and Social Design; Bodily Experience and Techniques.



2020 A Return across Borders, in Chin-Chi Liang (ed), Taiwan Exhibition at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale de Venezia: Primitive Migration from/to Taiwan. Taichung: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. 2020, 16-17.


2019 Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day (MA Dissertation; see 'Education')


2019 Home beyond Home: Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers


2019 Colonial Modernities: Taihoku Prison in Japanese Taiwan


2018 On Hilde Heynen's 'Architecture as Critique of Modernity'


2016 Studies in Tectonic Thinking and Methods Approach to Wang Shu’s Works


2016 Follow the Steps of Liang Sicheng: Towards the Writing of History of Architectural SpaceA Case Study of Longxing Monastery in Hebei


2015 Conservation-restoration and Status Analysis of Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai


2015 The Presence of the Past—Visionary Architecture: the Eternal Utopia?


2015 A Conservation Case Study of Liuhe Pagoda



2016 Principal Investigator (PI), Documentary Series Interviews with Architects


2015 Volunteer, Chinese Heritage Conservation Workcamp, Guizhou, China


2014 Founder, NTUST Delirious Architecture Reading Club


2013-16 Co-Founder and Director of Photography, Diaphragm Image Studio (DP 2.8)


2013-14 Member, NGO Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC)


2004-12 Member and Conservator, The Butterfly Conservation Society of Taiwan


2003-present Member, Wild Bird Society of Taipei


On the path headed down to Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut. Ronchamp, France. 2014. ©Kao Chingchieh


Overlooked Nakhi people's Hong Qi Village. Shangri-La City, Yunnan Province of China. 2012.


In front of the Great East Hall of Foguang Temple, built in Tang Dynasty and rediscovered by Liang Sicheng in 1937. Wutai County, Shanxi Province of China. 2015.


Fulfilled the substitute military service in Chengjeng High School, a juvenile correctional school having about 300 inmates. Hsinchu County, Taiwan. 2017. 


Held the exhibition Developing: Art as Action in a Juvenile Correctional School. eslite R79 Underground Book Street, Taipei, Taiwan. 2018.

與研究所同學於巴特萊特建築學院籌辦研討會MARGINALIA。本人發表碩士論文《無生命之家屋:蘭嶼國宅的生與死》(原標題為 Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day),並於簡報後與聽眾對談2019年。

As one of the speakers in the MA Architectural History Symposium MARGINALIA, I presented my dissertation Unliving House: The Rise and Fall of Lanyu National Housing, from 1966 to the Present Day, and discussed with the audiences afterwards. The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. London, UK. 2019. ©Claire Jansen


Elaborated the graduation project Fundamentopia: Learning from rural life. The work then received Honourable Mention in 7th Cross-Straits Architecture Competition for graduation projects from 31 universities' 125 projects. Taipei, Taiwan. 2016. ©Kao Chingchieh


Overseen the construction site of Guo's House, the first self-initiated built project. Shezaijiao, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2013.


Sketched at Taoyuan Martyrs Shrine, the only remaining Japanese shrine out of Japan. Taoyuan, Taiwan. 2013.


With Lu Yongyi, professor at Department of Architecture, Tongji University. She was the supervisor of my research essay The Presence of the Past: Visionary Architecture, the Eternal Utopia?. Shanghai, China. 2015.


With Dame Jane Goodall, British ethologist. I was the accompanying photographer and translator during her visit to NTUST. Taipei, Taiwan. 2012.


Members of Diaphragm Image Studio in the Heaven Lake. I (in the middle) was the co-founder and director of photography. Lanyu (Orchid Island), Taitung, Taiwan. 2013.


NTUST Delirious Architecture Reading Club members were discussing Le Corbusier's Vers une architecture. I (in the middle) was the founder. Taipei, Taiwan. 2014.


With international students on trail between Yushan Northern Peak and Main Peak. I (first from the left) was the leader of this mountaineering expedition. Nantou County, Taiwan. 2017. ©Kao Chingchieh


A feast offered by local craftsmen. I (eighth from the left) was among 18 volunteers from China, France and Taiwan in the Tunpu Workcamp, one of the World Heritage Conservation Programmes. Tunpu, Guizhou Province of China. 2015. ©Fan Wei


Group photo of me (third from the right), programme director Professor Peg Rawes (back row, centre), and the 2018-19 Architectural History MA cohorts. The Bartlett, UCL, London, UK. 2019. ©Luke Jones

臺灣青年氣候聯盟(TWYCC) 於臺大舉行聯合國氣候變化會議分享會後合影。本人(前排右1)曾為成員之一。2013年。

Group photo after the sharing session of United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP19). I (front row, first from the right) used to be a member of Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC). National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 2013.

與普立茲新聞獎得主、《世界又熱、又平、又擠》一書作者湯馬斯.佛里曼(Thomas L. Friedman,二排中)對談。本人(末排右4)為成功高中綠能青年代表。2011年。

Group photo with Thomas Friedman (second row, fifth from the right), American journalist and Hau Lungpin (second row, fifth from the left), then the Mayor of Taipei. On behalf of Chenggong High School, I (last row, fourth from the right) attended the forum. Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. 2011.